The barking and pulling are symptoms. A prong, shock, or control collar are all band aids. Even the gentle leader halter does not solve your problem long term.
Just like an exterior sore on our arm, may indicate an interior problem. A band aid only masks the true issue, and the illness will grow until correctly cured.
Same with your dog.
It seems like a lot to handle, but try to look at all the little things is what causes the big reactions.
Learning to walk a dog properly on a leash is not hard to physically do, but it very demanding emotionally.....because you can not be emotional for this to work! Please read our leash walking blogs. Pulling ahead of you and barking are all behaviors that are disrespectful of you, rather than reactions to their surroundings.

Chewing at the pillows on your couch is disrespectful behavior for your dog to have in your home. Rather than putting the pillows out of reach, teach your dog he is not allowed to touch the pillows. By understanding boundaries, your dog will learn your expectations, creating him to be more respectful in the house.
It is a battle of establishing boundaries and wrestling with your own emotions of feeling guilty for giving boundaries. Dogs don't think of boundaries as you being mean, but view your guidance as displaying signs of leadership.
A dog will love many people, but only follow a leader.
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