Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Easy Training for your Dog

Stop! Take Your Hands Off The Dog!

There are some basic rules that can help any person train any dog. I always tell my clients 2 rules.  Number one....At all times in your dogs' life, you are either training the dog, or the dog is training you!
Number two.... Any time you pet your dog, you are rewarding the behavior the dog is doing at that exact moment!  Yikes! Yes, if your dog is barking and you pick him up, or pet him to quiet him, it may stop the barking, but in the long scheme of things, you will have trained your dog to continue to bark in that same situation next time.

A dog is simple. A dog doesn't scheme, plot, or take revenge.  They don't hold a grudge or need Dr. Phil....and that's why we love them! They love us unconditionally and return for more love after being turned away.  They are our best friends, but we need to remember they are animals, and most importantly....they are a dog. They have dog needs, and dog behavior, and dog rules, and dog language.

Trying to treat a dog like a human, only creates a messed up dog. Dogs don't want to be the leader, but they seek a leader to follow. They also can't handle all our emotional baggage.  That's what Dr. Phil is for! 

So, keep it simple, make it clear, and love em up....and you will always have a best friend for life!



Monday, February 6, 2012

Americas Dogs are Getting Fat!

America is notoriously known for a nation being plaque with weight issues. Our fast food smothered in oils and our super sized quantities ensure we continue to battle the bulge.
   According to the nation's latest veterinary surveys, our four legged friends are wagging their way to obesity also. Good Morning America reported over half the nation’s dogs are overweight!
   In nature, a dog does not become overweight, nor will they starve themselves to death. Are we to blame for putting this predicament on our beloved friends? Are squirrels caught in the wild a low fat healthy choice, or do dogs just not pile an extra bunny in their bowl for lack of flavor?
   America loves dogs. We adorn them in t-shirts and celebrate their birthdays! We would never purposely harm our dogs, yet obesity shortens the time we can spend together.
   Dog food bags with pictures of vegetables make us feel we are making healthy decisions for our best friends, yet often consist of fatty fillers. The price of a truly healthy dog food can restrict it to a privileged pack!
   Living on a budget, the joke in our house is to eat your meal while on the treadmill, and rinse vegetables thoroughly to flush the pesticides, as we avoid lower fat and organic prices.
   I have learned life preserving skills to keep my family of human and canine fit and trim, despite my frugalness. It is a two for one benefit when we share a walk with our dog. Joining a gym and a doggy daycare is another way to ensure we exercise regularly. We measure our meals because portion control always prevents overeating, for those with two or four legs! Any small steps to ensure more exercise and less eating will help keep both our bodies in better shape.
Everyday we try to make better choices, for ourselves and our dogs. Limiting the bad and enhancing the good, to balance ourselves for both our health, and our soul. Our goal is to make every day.... a Dog Gone Good Day!
